
by Irmões Bródi



LoL training tool for junglers to improve their precision with smite.

Smiterino is a League of Legends training tool that helps players improve their precision at last-hitting with smite.With Smiterino, you will be able to contest objects at a rate much higher than standard gaming offers. Junglers training with this APP are much more prepared when it comes to secure or stealing Dragons and Barons.All rounds are taken from real LoL ranked matches of tier Diamond I, Master or Challenger. Currently, there are 130 different rounds that are picked randomly for the player try to smite, including Dragon fights, Barons, Rift Heralds and Elder Dragons.version 1.11:- Minor update for rating systemversion 1.10:- Fixed "Cannot play this video" issuesversion 1.08:- Fixed the bar graphs on Statistics screenversion 1.07:- Fixed annoying recconect from Google Game Service in score screenversion 1.06:- Added translations to French, German and Portuguese

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Helpful for league

clint lloyd

this isnt that helpful, you cant see the surrounding area, old replays, old smite (since now it does 450 or 900, it doesnt vary between levels), could be way better but hasnt been updated in almost 4 years


Plss update this game i main leesin😉

Darren Portugues

Really good.



Dmitriy Kozello

Boring app

Rogelo Tempest


Prince G.


tabujara family vlogs

No jogo se passa um video de um time fazendo um drag e voce tem q smitar quando tiver com a vida exata do valor do dano do smite. Nao tem como prever quanto de dano o drag esta tomando e, por isso, o "jogo" é falho.

Caio Portugal

I love this gameeee So funny hahahah rate this game its amazing download now

Jcarlo Parayno009`